What is Korean Wellness (K-Wellness)?

How to Improve Your Life with Korean Wellness:

Looking for a way to achieve overall wellness and balance in your life? In Traditional Eastern Medicine this type of harmonious and vital equilibrium is referred to as Qi. It utilizes the body’s natural healing process to restore the body and prevent it from various ailments. Koreans are always striving to achieve Qi which can be attained in many forms — it has its roots in Traditional Korean medicine but also utilizes skincare, diet, herbal remedies, exercise, and sleep. Find out how you can create your best Qi with these Korean Wellness recommendations.

1. Skincare

Korean skincare is known around the world for being effective and also famously laborious — 10 step regimens are the standard, and flawlessly radiant skin is treasured like gold. Interest in skincare can be traced back to 700 BC in Korean culture, and most Koreans start taking care of their skin in the form of cleansing, protecting and stimulating via massages at an early age. Koreans savor taking care of their skin and usually stock a multitude of skin-beautifying products in their vanity. Unlike in western culture cleansing and moisturizing skin isn’t a rushed process of just a few minutes. Many Koreans allocate 20-30 minutes to their nighttime skincare routine which incorporates two forms of cleansing, essences, serum and moisturizer. Skincare in Korea also doesn’t exclusively pertain to just the face. Koreans like to exfoliate the skin on their body deeply with scrubs, exfoliating sponges or body brushes. They follow this by applying a nourishing cream or oil to skin to lock in hydration and keep skin supple. 


2. Diet
As much Korean skincare beautifies from the outside, the Korean diet beautifies from the inside. It’s full of protein, whole grains and probiotics providing a lean, balanced yet flavorful diet. Kimchi, one of Korea’s most famous dishes is fermented pickles cabbage brimming with Vitamins A, B, C and probiotics which are good bacteria in your stomach that help with digestion and overall wellbeing. Many dishes are grilled rather than fried and many soups are collagen-rich which helps regenerate your skin, bones and muscles. Garlic also features heavily in Korean cuisine and is said to have detoxifying qualities. Additionally, many Korean dishes contains spices like chili pepper paste which is considered to be anti-inflammatory and energizing for the body. 


3. Herbal Remedies
On top of a nutritious delectable diet, Koreans also ingest herbal remedies to cure colds, detox or energize their bodies. Ginseng is ever-popular and this aromatic root promises to alleviate stress, increase stamina and help regulate blood pressure. Ssanghwacha is a bitter tea that helps cure fatigue and gives the body a better sense of balance. Lastly, Asian Pears with honey make for a simple healthy bite that promises to heal a sore throat in Korean culture.


4. Exercise

Being active is essential in Korean culture and seen as a direct link to maintaining a healthy physique. Everyone walks a lot in Korea whether it’s to take public transportation or run errands. Unlike in the U.S. many people only drive if they have to travel far, otherwise they do everything on foot. Additionally cycling, martial arts, and hiking are also very popular ways to stay active. It goes without saying that you can’t feel balanced without getting the right amount of sleep. Getting a good night’s sleep is seen as restorative and rejuvenating, a form of relaxing “medicine” that resets every important part of our body. Many Koreans consume soothing and sleep-inducing teas to help them doze off and get their ideal 7-8 hours of sleep. 

Learn more about Qi Alchemy herbal pearls

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