Interview with David Choi, CEO of Biohack the World
Actor, producer, technologist, entrepreneur, and filmmaker are just a few of the titles that David Choi has carried in his life. David is the founder of a live event series called Biohack the world. The series has turned into a thriving community focused on discussing what biohacking entails — experimenting with the intricacies of physiology through natural methods. With futuristic visions and world changing ideas, David is like the Korean Kanye! We were so lucky to sit down with him and hear some of his groundbreaking thoughts.
You’ve created a cult community of Biohackers. What inspired you to start Biohack the World, and how did it become so successful?
I’m a producer by background, and I also love acting. People like to be entertained, and I like to put on a show. I was driven to put on a show for what I want to talk about, and I love nutrition, wellness and health. I lost my sister to a misdiagnosis, and since then I have been out to take down big pharma. I want to help people on this planet take control of their health.
How do you define biohacking ?Biohacking is the art and science of optimizing your biology.
What is your best biohack routine ?Probably my fasting schedule. When I wake up, I chug two glasses of water, and then I don’t eat anything all day until basically 4 pm. At that point I’ll usually have eggs, water, and coffee. I have found a blend of ginger and apple cider vinegar, to be really good for immunity. Blend three part ginger to one part apple cider vinegar until it is like an apple sauce consistency. I like to mix this into carbonated water. I have also recently been microdosing when anxious. It has made me feel very calm. I’m not trying to check out of situations that are stressful, but I’m trying to protect my own sanity with everything going on in the world at the moment. I feel like I end up with a better understanding of the world after. It is as if everything is an illusion, and to be able to recognize man-made social constructs is critical . You don’t need to rely on outside man made sources and constructs to maintain order.
You have an inspiring mindset toward life, and have done an amazing job creating a community around this. Do you have any tips for building a strong community?
It just happened organically for me. I have a personal mission to take down big pharma and that just so happens to resonate with a lot of people. I would say that you’d want to know and understand your industry so well that you can build a show around it with you as the host. So you have an expedient topic that resonates with people and your willingness to get up in front of people and share your story fearlessly and selflessly will really move people to the point where you’re doing them a service. You’ll start to exude confidence in everything that you do. Do it as a service for others first and not out of your own self-interest.
Here at Qi Alchemy, we learn a lot from Korean practices and teachings. You were born and raised Korean American. Has your heritage played any part in your interest in health and wellness?
I’d have to say that traditional Korean cuisine is on the healthier end of the cultural culinary spectrum. I just wish I would’ve appreciated and respected healthy Korean cuisine more than I did growing up.
What’s your favorite Korean food? Favorite Korean tradition?
Kimchi . Steak is also a favorite, but that’s kind of universal. As a biohacker, I’m always wanting to control all inputs because that’s what it takes to conduct meaningful, scientific experiments on yourself.
Could you tell us a little bit about some exciting projects you're working on? We know you have many!
I just joined the Eric Adams NYC mayoral campaign for 2021. The goal is to help him get elected, by donating my recent project called HIITcoin to his campaign. HIITcoin works to solve food insecurity, malnutrition and lack of access to a higher education. It is a play on Bitcoin. I developed an algorithm in which physical exercise can get you coins with which you can buy organic quality food from local farms. In phase one of HIIT coin, my goal is to get people to exercise and eat fresh organic produce. In phase two, I want HIIT coin to allow anyone with student loans to pay off the loans with exercise . So education can be afforded, you just have to work out for it.
What are your thoughts on the whole COVID-19 situation? What steps have you taken to be healthy during this time, on top of your already healthy lifestyle?
Well, I was one of the first people to raise my hand and say that I’d volunteer to be infected with COVID-19 if it would help others. I was certain that I’d be one of the many asymptomatic people. My best suggestion would be to drop any unwanted excess weight that you might have on you because that’s probably your greatest liability here. For those who exercise regularly, we produce more of what’s called extracellular superoxide dismutase and that’s been shown to be present in much greater levels in those who are COVID asymptomatic. Bottom line, go out there and exercise, fast intermittently, switch over to a whole foods diet and if you’re athletic, you’ll likely need a good supply of high-quality animal protein and organ meats.
Any general tips on nutrition and exercise for the average person?
Yes of course; I too was once the average person in that regard. Baby steps are the key. Find a sport that you love. For me, it was crossfit . It should make you want to spring out of bed because you’re so excited to train for race day. The problem with adulthood is that life gets in the way and we stop playing sports. Training becomes secondary. And this is where everything starts to fall apart. This is why the average life expectancy is where it is today. Because too many of us decide that there's a point in our lives when we should stop competing. That it's ok to retire and go on long walks instead of squatting heavy. We take ourselves out of the game. Stay in the game, and give yourself the best life you can live!
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Written by Isabella Cammarata